저녁의 꼴라쥬

it's okay to rest, to feel vulnerable 본문

노르웨이의 책갈피

it's okay to rest, to feel vulnerable

jo_nghyuk 2019. 12. 19. 22:01

TG: What advice would you give your younger self about reducing stress? 

SB: I’d tell her there are no rules on how to “adult” right. I’d tell her to listen to her body — if her stomach is tight, that’s a signal that maybe she can’t trust that person with her heart. If her shoulders are tight, maybe there’s some support she needs to ask for. I’d tell her that if she’s exhausted, she should skip the gym and sleep in. I’d tell her it’s OK to rest, to feel vulnerable and scared, and to not know the answers. I’d tell her to sit still and allow the feelings to be there, rather than burn herself out with relentless socializing, to-do lists, punishing workouts, high-stress goals, and busyness. I’d tell her that until she deals with the internal, nothing external will make her feel better.

